Monday, May 25, 2009


I was once told by my professor when discussing about research at post graduate level... its about what not to do than what to do.. he cited an example that imagine that Mies had to design building with climatic concern... wouldn't that be disaster," he could design most adorable & fragile architecture because he could afford to ignore so many things"...I am pretty confused about what is thesis research & what is life long.. endless experiment or research.

The first project had huge empirical data without slightes clue on what is to conserve & why to conserve... if that was clarified than half of the information would have been obscelete. The case study of policy as well assumes policy at face value rather than larger imagination of political will & aspiration of locale.

The second project had stronge case building & firm grounding. Its approach as cumulative upgradation was commendable, however it lacked magination at the level of manifestation & presentation .

The game theory had huge potential but strategic appropriation, verbal presentaion & drawings were not up to the standard of graduate thesis. Overall it leaves with impression that research need to be restructured right from begining so that methodology is clarified rather than end product.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


The time is about to come for new convenient associations, for old betraying habit, for new convenient relation, for ideological disguise. Nowhere in the world one may find parallel example of political alignment of convenience than in India, perhaps that’s the ideological stem of democratic root. It’s fascinating to see donkey’s trading for power, where ideologies are completely at ease for change. The fundamentalist becomes secular (pseudo secular), the right wing begins to behave like descendent of left, while left aspire to become capitalist. The landlordism, feudalism which to my mind still prevails in our society (even metros), begins to behave like socialist. The bourgeoisie begins to think on social welfare, or street side hooligan begins to promote social right or capitalist beings to think on philanthropy.

This is an arrangement of five years, perhaps quarrel on petty issues are almost seen as routine for newer bargain. But amidst of all these, I am very impress by the convenience of transfer of ideology without slightest moral obligation. The staunch regional fundamentalist joins pre-independence party on so called secular guise & talk about aberration on religious group who themselves once condemn of while ago. The Indian politics is dynastic politics and inherited from kingdoms & nawabs, who believed in pre-independence party in disguise of secular to protect their privileges, while middle class Indians in politics remains divided without understanding of ideological conflict that pervades through internationalism.

Perhaps this is the reason that regional politicians arising form discontent for micro- cause are more pervious for convenient change. But we need to ask ourself something very fundamental that "is it that we live in society which is socially well organized but politically un- informed or unwilling to expand beyond their social territories?"....

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Five years back when UPA framed the CPM with CPM, its derived from two contradictory forces. One was to restrained while other was to expand globally. The one was right while other was non-conformist. It builds excuses for not taking any action on crucial issues & finding excuses for new program. Well, the meeting on new structure on architecture course is very similar, not able to take any action on crucial issues while finding exuces for new program. I have a basic & fundamental question that what have we done to the existing course which is 4.5+.5, have we evolved sufficient evought to have find conflict which would demand for new things. I am neither for old or nor for new, because i believe that out of box is alway from within.
The present course structure is conviniently followed by every single institution except KRVIA.. which has gone against the grain and build its creditibility on its common maximum program from bounded condition. I think non of the present faculty had any creditibility (except KRVIA) to talk on any such move without knowing the restrained of past ,even after existed for 17 years..
KRVIA has graciously assumed its stance, role & commitment to architectural education within city. Due to its stance & position, the institute will expand on it vision without being restrainded or aided by such moves

Ethical and Moral Construct of Modern