Tuesday, November 12, 2013



The studio project of mapping and representation began with the understanding of city through the lens of various pattern. The pattern were generated through the initial survey and various past experiences of the city. The generic patterns were: occupation, tourism, administration, neighborhood  natural resources etc. The groups were organized based on the generic pattern and precinct between Mahalaxmi Temple to edge of Rankala lake was taken under the study. The initial idea of esqee design prior to study on site was perhaps not considered on site however students engagement to site was very evident in the drawings. 

The analytical drawings perhaps needs some more imagination and abstraction in delineation  however the by an large drawings output clearly demonstrated well orchestrated team work. The design intervention always has strange sense of vacuum in terms of ideas however conservation students showed keen interest in their concern towards the values and historical assets of the city. The cluster formation through topological urban spaces as an abstract idea was something that studio I should sought out for. 

 Its perhaps the time where we know the time format versus output that we sought for, to seek for change in the studio format.

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Ethical and Moral Construct of Modern