Tuesday, April 22, 2014



In general history is believed to be more misused and abused in process of reconstructing. Philosopher speaks of the truth in moral sense, poet in fictional sense, historiographer in context of event and interpretation. However within the profession of architecture the reconstruction of historical truth is often about nationalism, identity, strangely framed within the acute form Vs wider form of parochialism. Unlike socio-political thinkers like Hegel and Karl Marx came forward with a theory that historical processes proceed according to ideological, material or class struggle.

The knowledge of history interprets and illuminates the human activity through variety of manifestation. The knowledge that is reflected the state of society and thus in institutions that has grown from it. The transformation of an institution reflects the modesty, priority and freedom of choice. The institution is a biology of society, metaphorically elucidates the process of ideological stand in survival, choice and breeding. The evolution of institution and its framework can be traced in its political history, constitutional history, economic history, social history. The social history is reflected in origin and development of institutions progressing towards rationality. As social history is more comprehensive in nature and G.M.Trevelyan correctly pointed out that social history as “the daily life of inhabitants, economic relationships, attitude to nature, conditions of various class, culture of each era and its value, changing form of religious practices ,literature” which are intricately reflected in architecture of history of institutions.

The second year project attempt to relocate the role of institutions in its trajectory of evolution. The evolution and growth of institutions is slow and subtle in nature, obeying its own law, hence influencing & shaping the social and political sphere.  In short the institutions are an expression of societal ideas for its existence and sustenance. The institutions reflects the descriptive geography and its ideological stem reflects the narrative of historical evolution, within which the notion of identity attempting to fill up the circumference of our perception, limited geography of space and its relationship with society. Hence identity is a trajectory of perception whose history is embedded in phenomena and reference to time where architecture has limited scope to arrest the phenomena and its reference to time as a tool to arrest identity.

The project brief has potential to extend into a larger discourse and perhaps question the notion of identity, breaking the monolith, recapturing the porosity of unyielding space.

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Ethical and Moral Construct of Modern