Tuesday, May 13, 2014


One of the characteristics distinguishing Urban from architecture (A) is that of having long exalted the condition of individual to collective, singular to plural, intuitive to rationale, exclusion to inclusion, control to freedom, object to civility etc.. Inhabiting, as a notion, implies sense of belonging to a “concrete” place, region, identifiable as such, and decipherable as an area with particular annex: a place, therefore it is “comprehensible” in its extent. It perhaps long journey to distinguish this terminology in its conceptual presence and perhaps thesis is medium to comprehend the fundamental territories & constitution of word urban.

The thesis projects of departing batch demonstrated, richly enough the urban texture as large pattern formation, purely out of regional specificity. The each project managed to arrive analytically, at geographical specificity with clear urban perspective. Here the earlier argument implies accurately, that thesis has managed to articulate the word urban concept. The range of topics dealt with & questioning, what is collective, what is history and its relevance, what is public realm, what is periphery, what is urban, what is urban form and planning process. Each idea built with very specific lens and arrived at the argument. The issues are arrived at but demonstrations are still far from desirable.

Urban design interventions perhaps deals with subsistence without being competitive, visionary without being exuberant, conservative without being dogmatic, plural without being uncontrolled, regional without being political optimization, secular without being intangible, interactive without being varied domains. The coming years for masters with its richness of variety, multidisciplinary canvas, needs to develop specific action areas & mechanism to address and expand the frontiers of urban design.

1 comment:

Dipti B said...

Looking back over the period of two years, KRVIA Masters instilled a sense of questioning and challenged our abilities to explore and make informed decisions. Through the semesters the course structure moved from varying project and site context. It exposed us to designing, planning, critical readings, theorization, and informed presentations. The education moved from technological understanding to social and cultural wholistic visioning. With each passing day it allowed us to widen our quest. We started with the questions as What do you really mean by urban design ?. As after completing the course, it is very clear that urban design cannot be defined in a set of words. But it is an array of concepts, theories and experiences of everyday and everyone.

KRVIA also provided us with a platform to interact and engage with different schools in India and Abroad. Exchange of knowledge, experiences and cultures culminated with a broad showcase of all our learnings through two years of masters course. The Thesis !

This thesis was a culmination of six months of research, two years of training to be an urban designer, numerous site visits and sketches. It all started with an argument and a hypothesis to end up with a design solution. We did present a wide range of arguments and critical analysis however the interventions and demonstrations needed to be much more specific and critical.

Ethical and Moral Construct of Modern